
Elaine Ou

Elaine is an editor at the BTC Times. She is also a columnist at Bloomberg Opinion and a software engineer at Global Financial Access.

Number of Articles 4
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Elaine Ou's Work 4 Articles
Web3 Is Not Cool Anymore
Web3 Is Not Cool Anymore

Apparently we’re on Web5 now. That was the announcement last Friday, from a subsidiary of Block called TBD. The tagline reads a lot like Web3 – “an extra decentralized web that puts you in control of your data and identity” – but a peek behind the marketing reveals some humble goals.

Opinion  -  Jun 13, 2022
Bitcoin Has a FUD Problem, Not an E-Waste Problem
Bitcoin Has a FUD Problem, Not an E-Waste Problem

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Never argue with a Nocoiner. Nature abhors a vacuum, and debunking the latest Bitcoin FUD will just create a void to be filled with even dumber FUD. Our latest example comes from an employee of the Dutch

Opinion  -  Technology  -  Sep 21, 2021
Michael Saylor on Bitcoin's Next Billion HODLers
Michael Saylor on Bitcoin's Next Billion HODLers

If you’ve been following Bitcoin for any amount of time, Michael Saylor needs no introduction. As the founder and CEO of MicroStrategy, Saylor captured a zeitgeist when his publicly traded company announced a $250 million bitcoin purchase in August. Since then, he has increased the company’s Bitcoin investment

interview  -  Bitcoin  -  Dec 03, 2020
Bitcoin Maximalists Get Dragged for INX Hypocrisy
Bitcoin Maximalists Get Dragged for INX Hypocrisy

This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board or the BTC Times and its owners. "Ethereum is garbage." - Samson Mow I'd call it a dumpster fire, but a dumpster implies containment. Ethereum is more like the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, an

Opinion  -  Bitcoin  -  Aug 27, 2020
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