
Jameson Lopp

Jameson Lopp enjoys building technology that empowers individuals; he is currently focused upon the evolution of Bitcoin and the crypto asset ecosystem. Jameson is an editor at the BTC Times.

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Jameson Lopp's Work 2 Articles
Congressional Bitcoin Believers
Congressional Bitcoin Believers

In June 2018 the House Ethics Committee passed new rules requiring members to disclose their ownership of crypto asset holdings worth more than $1,000 in annual reports, giving them the same treatment as any other asset. While the financial filings for Representatives, Senators, and Executive Branch Officials are all

Feature  -  Bitcoin  -  Sep 17, 2021
On Shitcoins and STOs
On Shitcoins and STOs

This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board or the BTC Times and its owners. What Is a Shitcoin? A few definitions I found around the internet: * A pejorative term used to describe an altcoin that has become worthless. * A cryptocurrency of little to no value,

Opinion  -  Altcoins  -  Aug 30, 2020
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