
Riccardo Giorgio Frega

Riccardo Giorgio Frega (aka Rikki) is an Italian author, speaker and activist.

Number of Articles 3
Riccardo Giorgio Frega's Work 3 Articles
News  |  Bitcoin  |  Politics Oct 02, 2023 How Turkey’s Ban Failed To Stop Bitcoin
How Turkey’s Ban Failed To Stop Bitcoin

The extent to which governments and central banks can effectively hinder the widespread adoption of Bitcoin is a topic of intense debate in our community.  While we acknowledge that there is no way to prevent this technology from realizing its full potential and fundamentally reshaping the world, the extent to

by Riccardo Giorgio Frega
News  |  Bitcoin  |  Technology Sep 24, 2023 The Bitcoin Explorers Share Inspiring Stories From the Turkish Frontier
The Bitcoin Explorers Share Inspiring Stories From the Turkish Frontier

A journey is made of places, of course, but it is also made of people, faces, smiles, personal stories, and tales. The Bitcoin Explorers' adventure in Turkey continues, and we left Istanbul to head south along the Mediterranean coast. Our destination is Izmir, ancient Smyrna, the third most populous

by Riccardo Giorgio Frega
News  |  Bitcoin  |  Economy Sep 16, 2023 How Turkey Is Embracing the Bitcoin Era
How Turkey Is Embracing the Bitcoin Era

How would we react if inflation in our country were at 60% on an annual basis? How would we navigate our daily lives? What strategies would we employ to protect our families and savings? This is currently the situation in Turkey, where we are located. Over the next few weeks,

by Riccardo Giorgio Frega
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