Bitcoin Argentina is a non-governmental organization that has partnered with Built With Bitcoin to educate up to 4,000 Argentine students across 40 high schools on the importance of Bitcoin.

The project will begin with forty schools but hopes to increase that number in the future. The program is designed to serve more institutions of various characteristics and regions, said Jimena Valone, institutional development coordinator for Bitcoin Argentina and lead for the Schools and Bitcoin Project. 

Argentina ranked second in Latin America for the adoption of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, following Venezuela. On the global scale, Argentina ranks tenth, according to a report from chainalysis

“The content used will be varied, changing with each school. Argentina is a diverse country, so it is necessary to think about each context when introducing the material,” said Valone.

It seems like Argentina is looking into Bitcoin out of necessity. Reuters reported that Argentina was experiencing an inflation rate of over 55%, and in 2019, a policy was imposed on the citizens of Argentina that limited the number of pesos that could be exchanged for US Dollars to only $200 per month.

Valone addressed the issues of uncontrollable inflation and centralized monetary measures saying:

“Decentralized financing has benefits and advantages that go beyond the macroeconomic situation of a region, such as Argentina and inflation. Financial independence, for example, is one of those advantages. Finance is inherent in life.”

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