Breez and Blockstream have announced a partnership aimed at developing next-gen apps for the Lightning Network.

The collaboration between Breez and Blockstream seeks to bring new features and improvements to Breez users. For example, using the platform's P2P payments, point-of-sale, and podcast player as separate apps will allow for growth and scaling while maintaining security.

This partnership was not taken lightly as Breez CEO, Roy Sheinfield, shared “We're always looking for ways to improve the Breez UX, and developing dedicated apps was clearly the next big step… We were waiting for the right partner and opportunity, and when we had the chance to collaborate with the developers behind Core Lightning, we knew the time had come.” 

The partnership looks to be advantageous to both parties as the development of the Lightning Network continues to grow and expand. Their announcement came shortly after Blockstream reaffirmed its commitment to the community with its recent name refresh “Core Lightning”.

Greenlight’s Offered Advantages  

Anyone can use Greenlight to “boot up their personal lightning node” both quickly and securely through use of private keys that remain on each users’ device. It provides users with the ability to maintain full control over their digital assets while it manages everything else with the goal to provide users with the ideal experience. 

Background operations are managed by Greenlight while users access their funds via the lightning nodes. A single node can be shared any number of times, which reduces associated chain fees.  

One of Blockstream’s Core Tech Engineers, Christian Decker, explained, “Greenlight's secret sauce is the ultra-lightweight Core Lightning implementation that powers it.” 

He further introduced his thoughts on user advantages saying, "Core Lighting allows us to provision nodes efficiently and pass those savings onto users, resulting in apps that can leverage the very best that Lightning has to offer." 

More about Breez 

Breez was introduced back in 2018 and runs on the Lightning Network. Breez provides both users and merchants with an intuitive point-of-sale app with a seamless user experience.

Breez is non-custodial, meaning users have full access and control over their funds without any interference from Breez or other organizations. 

It's also considered full-service, which goes back to the fact that users only need to worry about managing their personal funds while relying on Breez to handle the background operations.  

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