A U.K. judge mandated a global freeze on Craig Wright's assets, valued at $7.6 million (£6 million), after it was found he falsely claimed to be Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin.

The decision follows Wright's loss in a pivotal legal battle with the Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA). 

On March 14th, Judge James Mellor ruled that Wright did not write the Bitcoin whitepaper, did not invent Bitcoin, and was not involved in its early development.

Subsequently, Mellor approved COPA's request for a global freezing order, aimed at preventing Wright from depleting his assets or evading the impending legal expenses. 

The judge expressed "serious concerns" regarding Wright's recent actions of transferring shares to a foreign entity, suggesting an attempt to circumvent the upcoming financial obligations.

Wright is now required to disclose any assets worth over $30,000 and is barred from reducing his assets below the $7.6 million mark. 

This restriction stems from persistent concerns about Wright's reliability, highlighted by his history of failing to honor court rulings and claims of being impervious to court judgments.

This latest asset freeze further restricts Wright's capacity to engage in additional legal actions related to his claims of being Satoshi Nakamoto. It also ensures that sufficient assets will be available to settle the substantial legal costs COPA anticipates recouping, following their successful challenge of Wright's extravagant claims.

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