Miami Mayor Francis Suarez plans to turn the region into a Bitcoin mining hub.

Speaking during an episode of the Unchained Podcast on March 26th, Suarez explained that he believes the United States can and should provide more opportunities to Bitcoin miners, and could make this industry cleaner from an environmental point of view. He argued that America produces nuclear energy which could allow for clean and basically limitless Bitcoin mining.

Mayor Suarez's move is not surprising, given other recent actions. In late January, the mayor showed his eagerness to embrace Bitcoin when he decided to host the Bitcoin whitepaper on Miami's municipal website. He commented:

The City of Miami believes in Bitcoin and I’m working day and night to turn Miami into a hub for crypto innovation. Proud to say Miami is the first municipal government to host Satoshi’s White Paper on government site.

Last month, the City of Miami passed a resolution to analyze the feasibility of investing government funds in bitcoin. The resolution also agreed to a study that would examine the practicality of allowing government workers to receive their pay in bitcoin, as well as allowing people to pay property taxes and city fees in bitcoin.

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