Bitcoin rewards for Fold App cardholders just got a bit more exciting with the recent rollout of next day funding. Fold App users now have the ability to spend more quickly and earn more bitcoin rewards for items they already buy on a day-to-day basis.
Fold App first announced development of the new feature on June 21st, 2021 in order to address growing interest. They also revealed a partnership with Astra, an automation platform for money movement.
An email was sent out on January 18th, 2022 to notify all cardholders that they no longer have to wait three to four business days in order to begin making purchases with their cards.
How it works
After connecting your bank account with your Fold account and Astra, users may then add funds by:
- Opening the Fold App
- Selecting Available Balance +
- Tap + In-App ACH Funding
- Select your bank account
- Confirm the amount you would like to transfer
Funds will be available by the next business day. This is a pivotal step for the company to retain daily users. This improvement should see other competitors also strive to provide better savings and features with customers benefiting from innovation and competition in the industry. Customers previously had to plan a week in advance for a purchase but now require only one day to do so.
More and more Bitcoin rewards services are becoming available internationally. Europe’s Satsback app and Canada’s ShakePay are a few examples of other Bitcoin rewards platforms. Fold App and Lolli were amongst the first to hit the United States market. The team behind Fold App are meeting the demands of the consumer while providing them the ability to save in bitcoin through rewards. There are no plans to operate outside of the U.S. at this time.