Laser Digital, a division of the $500 billion asset management firm Nomura, announced its inaugural Bitcoin Adoption Fund today. This fund marks the beginning of a range of investment products that Laser Digital Asset Management aims to launch.

The Laser Digital Bitcoin Adoption Fund provides institutions with a straightforward, long-only investment opportunity in Bitcoin, aiming to distinguish itself as a cost-efficient and secure option.

To ensure the safety of the fund's assets, Laser Digital has joined forces with Komainu, a leading provider of regulated custody solutions specifically designed for institutional digital asset investors and was established in 2018 by Nomura, Ledger, and Coinshares.

The fund is managed as a segregated portfolio under Laser Digital Funds SPC, a Segregated Portfolio Company that is registered as a mutual fund in accordance with the Mutual Funds Act and overseen by CIMA (Cayman Islands Regulatory Authority).

At the helm of Laser Digital Asset Management is Sebastian Guglietta, who previously served as Chief Scientist Officer at Nomura and has over 25 years of experience in fields like systematic investment approaches, derivatives, and macro trading.

Guglietta stated that technological innovation is a crucial catalyst for global economic expansion, as it is shifting a significant segment of the economy from analog to digital. 

"Bitcoin is one of the enablers of this long-lasting transformational change and long-term exposure to Bitcoin offers a solution to investors to capture this macro trend," he added.

Fiona King, Laser's Director of Distribution, also comes aboard with an impressive history, having previously worked with Nickel Digital Asset Management and Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

"We're delighted to now launch our Bitcoin adoption fund, which allows institutional investors a secure path into digital asset investment that is backed by established finance, with the highest levels of risk management and compliance," said King.

Based in Switzerland, Laser Digital melds the stringency and best practices typical of international investment banking with a seasoned team that grasps the nuances of the Bitcoin ecosystem.

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