His Royal Highness Hereditary Prince Philip of Serbia and Yugoslavia, also known as Prince Filip Karađorđević, will serve as Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) for Bitcoin startup JAN3. In his new role, Prince Philip will engage with prominent figures and coordinate strategic initiatives to accelerate Bitcoin adoption among individuals and nation-states.
Prince Philip’s new role was announced by JAN3 CEO Samson Mow on stage during the Baltic HoneyBadger 2022 conference in Riga.
From a press release, Mow expressed his excitement and appreciation for having Prince Philip join JAN3 as CSO.
Mow stated:
I can’t think of anyone more qualified than Prince Philip to help us drive these strategic conversations and initiatives at a nation-state level, in Latin America and worldwide.
Prince Philip has an extensive background of working in London’s financial sector, assisting clients with macrotrend analysis, comprehension of their implications, and critical capital allocation decisions. His experience with the legacy banking system has made him aware of the outdated inefficiencies within the industry.
Prince Philip explained his reasoning for joining JAN3 by stating:
Transgressions of human rights and liberties marked the communist era in SFR Yugoslavia. In the 1990s, it suffered the third worst-ever hyperinflation in history and its consequent hardships. We need hard money immune to inflation, and Bitcoin is the solution as digital gold for the 21st century. It is paramount to think about individuals and their property rights and liberties; otherwise, we risk losing everything and re-entering the dark ages.
In response to Mow’s announcement, CEO of Blockstream Adam Back described that he mentioned in the past to others that Prince Philip was an ideal candidate to help with nation-state Bitcoin adoption.
In 2020, Prince Philip relocated from London to Belgrade, where he now resides with HRH Princess Danica, and their son HRH Prince Stefan. He speaks Spanish, French, and is constantly improving his Serbian. Prince Philip also oversees a Serbian charity that works to increase the quality of life for local Serbians and its diaspora abroad.
JAN3 is a digital infrastructure company devoted to expanding access to Bitcoin technology. JAN3’s goal is to accelerate hyperbitcoinization by providing tools for individuals, autonomous communities, and sovereign states so they may benefit from a free and transparent Bitcoin-based financial system.