As the world navigates through a recession, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. finds himself increasingly on the political fringes. As an outsider, he lacks the mainstream credibility of established candidates, suitable only in stable times.

However, with less than three months to the final vote, he could still surprise as the best candidate with the best policy content.

Kennedy Speech Lays Out the Specifics More Than Trump’s Speech

Thousands watched Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at the Bitcoin Conference in Nashville as he concisely laid out his multi-point plan for transforming Bitcoin into a U.S. strategic reserve immediately after he is elected.

Kennedy reminded the audience that he appeared one year ago in Miami at the 2023 Bitcoin Conference and since then has met with many community members, learning how to build on his knowledge to create a proposed Bitcoin reserve strategy. 

To a packed conference hall, Kennedy outlined his priorities for Day One as U.S. President.

He also reminded the audience that he is an integral part of the Bitcoin community, differing on some issues but solidly united on Bitcoin’s future.

In a recent interview with Nat Brunell, Douglas Macgregor, a retired Colonel and consultant, said he felt that Kennedy’s speech at the Bitcoin Conference was far superior to Trump’s in several ways. 

Principally, Kennedy laid out specific plans for his first day in the White House, detailing numerous Bitcoin policy proposals (Executive Orders) and discussing their content, according to Colonel Macgregor.

“You’ve got to walk into office prepared - what are you going to do? There’s nothing more important than that for a would-be nominee to do.”

Colonel Macgregor noted that Trump’s speech was vague on specific plans for Day One in office, flabby, and relied on humor to cover up a lack of content.

“As new Presidents find out,” he said, “they have 6 to 9 months to implement their key proposals and often can’t accomplish more than three, maybe four objectives that they had set out to do.”

To an enthusiastic conference crowd, Kennedy laid out these action proposals for Day One:

1. Direct U.S. Marshals and the Department of Justice to transfer the approximately 200,000 Bitcoin to the U.S. Treasury, where it will be held as a strategic asset.

2. Direct the U.S. Treasury to purchase 550 Bitcoin daily until the U.S. has built a reserve of at least 4 million Bitcoin.

3. Direct the IRS to issue public guidelines that all Bitcoin-U.S. transactions be treated as unreported, non-taxable transactions.

4. Direct the IRS to treat Bitcoin transactions as an eligible asset for 1031 exchanges into real property.

5. Appoint Major AC Lowry as his top advisor for his security team, commending Lowry for his book "Soft War," which posits that Bitcoin is a power projection weapon, not just money.

An American Initiative

With the American election only three months away, both Trump and Kennedy focused on Bitcoin’s role as an American asset and part of the U.S. economy. Trump especially emphasized that his proposed Bitcoin national reserve would help “make America great again.”

Senator Cynthia Lummis introduced her proposed U.S. national Bitcoin reserve legislation to be tabled in Congress, with Bitcoin supporter Senator Bill Hagerty. 

Hagerty was quoted by Michael Saylor saying, “one of the greatest, most impactful technologies that we see for our nation's future should happen here in America—not be forced offshore the way the current Administration has been doing. President Trump made that clear last weekend at Bitcoin Nashville.”

Kennedy stated, “most importantly, I promise to secure the United States position as the global hub of cryptocurrency innovation and entrepreneurship and investment and technology and a position of dominance that no other country will be able to usurp.”

“We should own the same proportion of Bitcoin as we own in the global gold reserves. Once we start doing it, it will have a cascading effect,” adding that this would make Bitcoin the global currency of choice, drive up the price exponentially, and potentially value those Bitcoin at around $50 trillion.

As of July 31st, 2024, Kennedy only has seven states left to obtain ballot access in every state in the U.S. With three months to go until election day, Kennedy tends to come in third in most polling data. 

However, a recent poll courtesy of @autummsdad has Kennedy at 34%, trailing Harris at 32% and Trump at 31.5%.

Kennedy is clearly serious about Bitcoin and stood out effectively, especially as the Democrats chose to forgo their spot speaking at the conference.

Kennedy likely had the best speech at the Bitcoin Conference, commending the achievements of the Bitcoin community and its incredible progress to date. 

However, it has not gone unnoticed that he often fails to proactively mention Bitcoin in other venues, as does Trump, who gave a major speech at the Milwaukee conference and, according to Digital Chamber CEO Perianne Boring, failed to mention Bitcoin even once in his lengthy two-hour speech.

For Boring, it is important that the U.S. gets top billing in the federal reserve initiative, and she did not seem bothered that the Bitcoin owed to Bitfinex makes the strategic reserve initiative less than a clean sweep.

It is an uphill battle against Trump—at the time of publication, Trump had released his newest marketing tool—sneakers with the Bitcoin logo.

Trump has fully embraced Bitcoin or “crypto,” as he likes to call it, and it is hard to imagine a scenario where Kennedy can overtake him.

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