According to a blog post by Paxful, a P2P Bitcoin exchange, the company has resumed operations after being closed for more than a month.

The company stated that they are pleased to announce that the Paxful marketplace is now live again after being offline for more than a month. “In early April, we faced a difficult decision to temporarily suspend the marketplace to protect all of our customers and Paxful’s future.”

In April, Paxful ceased operations as its CEO, Ray Youssef, expressed concerns regarding the protection of client funds due to a lawsuit filed by the company's co-founder, Artur Schaback. Schaback had sued both Youssef and the company on various grounds, including unjust termination.

According to Schabeck, who seeks a settlement and wishes to exit the company, Paxful is presently under the ownership of a custodian who acts as a director along with Schabeck and Youssef.

Schabeck stated that “right now we need the custodian because he’s a tiebreaker; otherwise we’re in a deadlock.”

While the platform was suspended, Paxful ensured that its users had uninterrupted access to the Paxful Wallet, and it also provided them with a range of peer-to-peer platforms to continue their trading activities. 

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