bill passed by the Montana legislature has been designed to safeguard the right to engage in Bitcoin mining and includes additional provisions. The legislation aims to ensure that Bitcoin miners are not unfairly discriminated against or subjected to unnecessary requirements while mining.

The Bitcoin mining industry has previously encountered regulatory hurdles at the state and local level, making it challenging to operate with legal certainty. This bill now offers a measure of legal protection for Bitcoin mining, with Montana being one of the first states to implement such safeguards.

Additionally, the new legislation would bar discriminatory utility rates for digital asset mining, curtail local government authority regarding digital asset mining, and prevent the imposition of taxes on the utilization of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies as a means of payment.

The bill also recognizes digital assets as personal property, and specifies that the Montana Public Service Commission cannot establish a rate classification for digital asset mining, whether for businesses or home-based operations, that results in discriminatory rates.

Furthermore, the legislation asserts that the use of digital assets as payment cannot be subjected to additional taxation or fees imposed by the state or local government.

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