Fold, a Bitcoin rewards company, has unveiled its plans for expansion into El Salvador. The establishment of a new office in the country will serve as its operational hub in Latin America.
Fold's primary objective is to facilitate global accessibility and user-friendly adoption of Bitcoin.
CEO Will Reeves explained "as a country that has embraced Bitcoin and has been a pioneer in adopting new monetary technology, we believe that El Salvador is the perfect place for Fold to expand its presence in Latin America."
Reeves considers El Salvador an ideal hub for expansion due to the country's favorable outlook on Bitcoin and its proactive initiatives in developing new capital markets.
Through its rewards program and integrated Bitcoin infrastructure, Fold's expansion will introduce valuable solutions to consumers and businesses in the region. The company has expressed its intention to unveil partnerships with prominent entities in Latin America in the near future. Notably, Fold's Bitcoin rewards infrastructure has already processed over $1 billion in volume.
Stacy Herbert, from the National Bitcoin Office of El Salvador stated "Fold certainly fits that description and we are excited to welcome them to Bitcoin Country."
With the establishment of the new office in El Salvador and the local team in place, Fold is poised to offer tailored assistance to its users and partners in Latin America. Furthermore, the convenient Fold mobile app is readily available for download on both Android and iOS devices.