Genesis Digital Assets (GDA), a prominent Bitcoin miner based on hash rate, has unveiled its latest mining center in northern Sweden. 

Currently, the data center boasts a capacity of 8 megawatts (MW) and has been active since June 2023, with plans on expanding in the near future.

Strategically positioned adjacent to the 417 MW Porjus Hydroelectric Power Station, renowned for its eco-friendly electricity generation, the facility lets GDA tap into this green energy for its Bitcoin mining operations.

Tim Carra, GDA's Chief of Nordic Operations, stated that with its rich energy resources, forward-thinking atmosphere, and robust educational foundation fostering a culture of innovation, the team believes that Sweden stands as one of the premier global destinations for Bitcoin mining. 

They anticipate increasing their investments in the vibrant region as time goes on.

To manage the new center's routine operations, GDA has joined forces with a local enterprise. The facility, previously a standard data center, is GDA's third undertaking in Sweden in just three years, which also includes a greenhouse data center that launched in 2020.

Abdumalik Mirakhmedov, GDA's Executive President and Co-Founder, remarked, "our expansion of facilities in the Nordics is a testament to our unwavering commitment to utilizing green energy sources."

GDA aspires to pioneer the Bitcoin mining sector by demonstrating eco-friendly practices and encouraging others to reduce their environmental footprint, he added.

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