


Bitfinex and Tether Collaborate on New P2P Video and Chat App for Bitcoin Lightning Payments
Bitfinex and Tether Collaborate on New P2P Video and Chat App for Bitcoin Lightning Payments
News  -  Bitcoin  -  Jul 25, 2022 by Philipe F

Bitfinex and Tether have collaborated with the open source team behind the Hypercore protocol to bring to market the peer-to-peer communications app, Keet.  Keet allows users to communicate via video, text, and instant file exchange in a true peer-to-peer way and has plans to integrate Bitcoin payments on lightning, as

New Chipotle Promotion Encourages Customers To Buy the Dip
New Chipotle Promotion Encourages Customers To Buy the Dip
News  -  Bitcoin  -  Jul 25, 2022 by Marek F.

Chipotle is no stranger to promoting their brand through Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. As per this press release, Chipotle has announced today that it will give away more than $200,000 in free Bitcoin and crypto to its users as well as provide promo codes for 1-cent guac and 1-cent Queso

Brazil’s Largest Investment Broker Will Offer Bitcoin Trading
Brazil’s Largest Investment Broker Will Offer Bitcoin Trading

XP Inc., Brazil’s largest investment broker by market value, will begin offering Bitcoin trading next month. In a report released by Reuters, the company said it will list Bitcoin on its trading platform, Xtage, by mid-August. According to Lucas Rabechini, the company’s director of financial products, there are

News  -  Bitcoin  -  Jul 26, 2022
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Brazil’s Largest Investment Broker Will Offer Bitcoin Trading
Brazil’s Largest Investment Broker Will Offer Bitcoin Trading

XP Inc., Brazil’s largest investment broker by market value, will begin offering Bitcoin trading next month. In a report released by Reuters, the company said it will list Bitcoin on its trading platform, Xtage, by mid-August. According to Lucas Rabechini, the company’s director of financial products, there are

News  -  Bitcoin  -  Jul 26, 2022
Bitfinex and Tether Collaborate on New P2P Video and Chat App for Bitcoin Lightning Payments
Bitfinex and Tether Collaborate on New P2P Video and Chat App for Bitcoin Lightning Payments

Bitfinex and Tether have collaborated with the open source team behind the Hypercore protocol to bring to market the peer-to-peer communications app, Keet.  Keet allows users to communicate via video, text, and instant file exchange in a true peer-to-peer way and has plans to integrate Bitcoin payments on lightning, as

News  -  Bitcoin  -  Jul 25, 2022
New Chipotle Promotion Encourages Customers To Buy the Dip
New Chipotle Promotion Encourages Customers To Buy the Dip

Chipotle is no stranger to promoting their brand through Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. As per this press release, Chipotle has announced today that it will give away more than $200,000 in free Bitcoin and crypto to its users as well as provide promo codes for 1-cent guac and 1-cent Queso

News  -  Bitcoin  -  Jul 25, 2022
Bitcoin Gaming Startup Receives $35 Million in Funding From Final Fantasy Game Maker
Bitcoin Gaming Startup Receives $35 Million in Funding From Final Fantasy Game Maker

A Bitcoin gaming startup called Zebedee has received $35 million in its Series B Funding round. This comes after they received $11.5 Million in a Series A round in September 2021. It is unclear whether the valuation has changed, but seeing as the user base has increased 10x in

News  -  Bitcoin  -  Jul 24, 2022
Three Arrows Capital Founders Speak Out After Company Implosion and Radio Silence
Three Arrows Capital Founders Speak Out After Company Implosion and Radio Silence

In an interview with Bloomberg, the founders of Three Arrows Capital (3AC) have finally broken their silence after five weeks since the dramatic downturn in the market and the implosion of their hedge fund. Su Zhu and Kyle Davies have stated that it was mainly due to their trades involving

News  -  Bitcoin  -  Jul 22, 2022
Former Coinbase Manager Arrested for Insider Trading
Former Coinbase Manager Arrested for Insider Trading

According to the Department of Justice, Ishan Wahi, former product manager for Coinbase, was detained on Thursday morning because of an insider trading scheme while he was working at Coinbase. The assistant director of the FBI explained that the defendants managed to generate illicit gains of over $1.5 million

News  -  Altcoins  -  Jul 22, 2022
Non-profit ₿trust Funds New Bitcoin Developers in Africa
Non-profit ₿trust Funds New Bitcoin Developers in Africa

The non-profit, ₿trust, has recently located the founding member for its new Africa Open Source Cohort that will be locating and educating new Bitcoin developers in Africa. ₿trust was initially funded with a 500 BTC donation by Square CEO Jack Dorsey and rapper Jay-Z in February 2021. ₿trust was created

News  -  Bitcoin  -  Jul 21, 2022
Fedi Seed Round Aims To Help Scale Bitcoin Custody
Fedi Seed Round Aims To Help Scale Bitcoin Custody

Fedi Inc. announced the closing of a $4.2 million seed round. This money will go to developing the Fedi mobile app, which is expected to begin rolling out in Q1 of 2023. The app is being built to provide a user interface for Fedimint, Fedi’s open-source Bitcoin custody

News  -  Bitcoin  -  Jul 21, 2022
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